Critical Sixteenth Beauty: vote for the country that you wish to be the sixteenth semi-finalist in Miss Intercontinental 2014


Visit the Official Website of Miss Intercontinental to see the delegates' photos and bios


Submit your vote electronically via the voting box below. Whichever country earns the most number of points will automatically become the sixteenth semi-finalist. You can only vote once per IP address. Should there be a tie after the poll closes, the winner will be determined based on a joint decision by Critical Beauty and World Beauty Organization (the producer of Miss Intercontinental).

*** VOTING ENDS ON DECEMBER 3, 2014 at 12:00 AM (U.S. Pacific Standard Time)

UPDATE: NOV. 29 - Bolivia, Dominican Republic and Russia have been removed from the list. Switzerland has been added. 

 Miss Intercontinental 2014 16th Semifinalist
Which country should advance to the top 16?


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