Comedienne Lisa Lampanelli calls Dayana Mendoza "retarded" and other names
I don't know if you guys have been watching "The Celebrity Apprentice 2012" like I have. This season's celebrities include comedienne Lisa Lampanelli and Miss Universe 2008 Dayana Mendoza. On her Sirius XM Howard 101 radio program, Lampanelli added a new segment called "Boardroom Empire" where she talks dirt about "The Celebrity Apprentice." A caller suggested that Lampanelli must be jealous of Dayana's beauty, to which the comedienne reacted with utter disdain. Lampanelli then insulted Dayana by calling her all kinds of names under the sun, including "spic" which is an ethnic slur in the U.S. for a person of Hispanic background: "She's a spic, she's gonna f---kin' do it anyway. She'll be knocked up before the end of the week!" Listen to the entire segment and let me know what you think:
In an interview that appeared on Pioneer Press, Lampanelli states that the show focuses more on intellect than physical appearance, and she's quick to bash not only the former Miss Universe but also actress Patricia Velasquez and the "Incredible Hulk" Lou Ferrigno.
Here are excerpts from that interview:
On being on a show with a bunch of attractive women
"Oh my god, it's like a self-esteem killer. The good thing is I never went into this business or anywhere in my life thinking I'm going to be the best-looking one in the room. We have to get dressed up for the boardroom, we've got to put on hair and makeup, we have to look presentable. That's not the point of the show. The point is to show how smart you are and that you can really make things work. In the boardroom, it's a little weird when Trump says [doing her best Trump impression], 'Lisa, doesn't Patricia have fantastic style?' I want to say, 'What the [expletive] does that have to do with this [expletive] show, you horny old goat?' But I'm like, 'Absolutely.' "
In an interview that appeared on Pioneer Press, Lampanelli states that the show focuses more on intellect than physical appearance, and she's quick to bash not only the former Miss Universe but also actress Patricia Velasquez and the "Incredible Hulk" Lou Ferrigno.
Here are excerpts from that interview:
On being on a show with a bunch of attractive women
"Oh my god, it's like a self-esteem killer. The good thing is I never went into this business or anywhere in my life thinking I'm going to be the best-looking one in the room. We have to get dressed up for the boardroom, we've got to put on hair and makeup, we have to look presentable. That's not the point of the show. The point is to show how smart you are and that you can really make things work. In the boardroom, it's a little weird when Trump says [doing her best Trump impression], 'Lisa, doesn't Patricia have fantastic style?' I want to say, 'What the [expletive] does that have to do with this [expletive] show, you horny old goat?' But I'm like, 'Absolutely.' "
On fellow contestants she hopes to never see again
"Oh my god, where does the list begin? The Venezuelan section [Patricia Velasquez and Dayana Mendoza], those two can go fly a kite. Lou Ferringo: 'Bye, bye Hulk. Take care, stupid.' He's the worst."
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