Chinese beauty contest demands perfectly spaced nipples!


Do your nipples measure up ladies?

Ladies it’s time to take out your measuring tape and start measuring the distance between your nipples cause one Chinese beauty pageant is refusing to endow you as the hottest bixch in the provence unless of course your nipples are perfectly spaced.

gawker: A beauty contest seeking to discover the ten most beautiful college students in China’s Hubei Province has come under fire for requiring applicants to prove that their nipples are a specific distance apart from each other.

The space between the two protrusions shall be no greater than 20 centimeters, the organizers specify.

20 centimeters. Can someone please tell me how that number was ordained? But then again what do I know about what makes for perfect nipples?

The contest, launched by the website Campus Model, also has very exact requirements for the applicants’ bust, waist, and hips. “We want the winners to be extremely good-looking,” one of the organizers told the Global Times. “We have based our criteria both on the traditional Chinese and more modern Western aesthetic values.”

Western values. Aha, that explains everything. Of course part of me is wondering if Chinese college students get to eat enough food so they have enough cavity space between one side of their chest and the other? I’m betting half of the entrants are probably trolling the streets with size 12 centimeter nipple distance. I know trying to be a good looking Westerner is a prodigious experiment in good taste, but someone has to do it, why not let the Chinese try it?

But of course not everyone is happy with the beauty pageant (I’m ok as long as I win). Offered one commentator:

“Check out what the brain-dead college people spend all day doing, then you’ll know why China can’t produce a Harvard, Oxford!” And then this comment as well: “When we select the most handsome boy, we’ll measure his dick length and width.”

Strangely only a few women have agreed to subject themselves to a nipple test. A shame cause there’s so much money to win (sort of, $1600) and a lot of self respect to lose…

[photo via, diagram via Beijing Cream]  

SOURCE:, 9/7/2012
