CB Loves Bishara Dorre, Miss Wisconsin USA 2014!

How did you get involved in pageants?

Growing up my mom kept me extremely active.  I was that kid that went from karate lessons, to gymnastics, to dance class, then piano lessons.  I tried everything! Then one day I got an invitation in the mail to compete in a pageant, and I ended up LOVING it! 

How did you get your unusual name?

My mom served in the peace corp in Africa before I was born, and that's where she met my father who is 100% Somalian.  She speaks fluent Swahili, and fell in love with the name Bishara which means congratulations in Swahili.

How would a good friend describe you?

A good friend would describe me as encouraging, supportive, and loyal! I'm an only child, so I really value all of my good friends. 

How would you promote Wisconsin to a visitor?

In one word CHEESE!!! You will experience the best cheese curds of your life!  I love Wisconsin!  It's a great state that no matter what the weather throws in it's direction Wisconsinites can always find a sport or outdoor activity to enjoy.  It's fun all year round.  

How has your pageant experience changed you as a person?

Through pageantry I have learned exactly who I am and what I want in life, because it forces you to know who you are and what you want.  I used to be extremely shy, but now I can talk and relate to anyone! Pageants have improved my interviewing and public speaking skill tremendously, and helped me to choose my career path of broadcast journalism. 

How do you respond to a homeless person on the street asking you for money?

If I have it I give it, and what they ultimately do with the money is between them and God.   

Tell us about a movie that you have seen recently.

I recently saw "American Hustle". I thought it was extremely good and well executed!  I won't give it away in case you haven't seen it yet, but I love the twist at the end.  

Would you vote for a politician whose policies on certain issues have been shaped by his or her religious beliefs? Why or why not?

Absolutely! Religion can shape one's views the same way gender, race, and upbringing can.  I focus on the words and deeds of the politician and how they align with my won.

How can we teach kids healthy eating habits and get them moving?

Positive adult role models in their everyday life demonstrating healthy eating habits and keeping kids active through fun sports or hobbies they enjoy.  Healthy eating is a learned behavior, and should be practiced at home first!

What would constitute a "perfect" evening for you?

In the summer a perfect evening for me would be going to a Milwaukee Brewers game with the roof open at Miller Park, and seats behind the dugout!  

What do we need to do to change the way welfare is being handled in the United States?

 America is a land of opportunity, but in my opinion opportunity is earned not subsidized.  The way welfare is handled now doesn't create an opportunity to thrive it only creates an opportunity to receive an incentive for not thriving.  I was always taught, give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime. As a nation we need to teach more people how to fish through job training programs, improving public education, and things that will enrich lives of the impoverished.   

Is it appropriate for gays to serve in the military?

Yes, I believe it is acceptable for any man or woman to serve in the military and fight for our country regardless of their sexuality.  Anyone who would serve to protect this country is a hero to me regardless of their sexuality.

What does femininity mean to you?

Femininity describes womanhood, and the adjectives that come to mind are effervescent, independent, and loving.

What advice would you give to a girl who has low self-esteem?

I struggled with low self-esteem, and the lesson I learned in the end is that the key was self acceptance. Therefore, I would first tell her to stop comparing herself to others, and be her own judge.  I would encourage her to start replacing any negative thoughts she has with positive ones, and even go as far as writing down a list of all her positive qualities.  I would tell her to get proactive, and take advantage of workshops, and books regarding self-esteem because whatever material you allow to dominate your mind will eventually change your behavior.  The book that helped me was "The Confident Woman," by Joyce Meyer, and I would highly recommend it!

Why do you want to be the next Miss USA? 

I’m ready for the job of Miss USA! I respect and admire the MUO brand, and it’s not only something I have dreamed about but it’s something I have been working tirelessly toward.  I’m relatable, confident, driven, and my life experiences and career path of broadcast journlism have prepared me for this job. I am not only ready to be Miss USA, but also Miss Universe.




