21-year-old Yumi Kato, representing the prefecture of Mie, was crowned Miss Universe Japan 2018 at the Chinzanso Hotel in Tokyo on the night of March 18. She will now represent Japan at Miss Universe 2018 whose date and venue have not yet been announced. Nozawa Reika of Tokyo finished second while the delegates from Hokkaido and Niigate finished third and fourth places respectively.
A local beauty pageant is attracting ample mockery on social media after a trans-identified male was crowned the winner of the competition and awarded a scholarship intended for young women. Brían Nguyen , 19, was awarded the crown in the Miss Greater Derry pageant, held on November 8 in the Greater Derry area of New Hampshire. The competition is a locally-run event under the national Miss America series of pageants. In addition to winning the crown, Nguyen will receive the Miss Greater Derry Scholarship , a financial award established to support young women. Nguyen, who is male, is a freshman at Nashua Community College majoring in Business Management. After his win, Nguyen wrote on Facebook : “ I am ecstatic to be the FIRST transgender woman to be a Miss America local titleholder, and I hope to make everyone proud and become the first to walk the Miss America stage. I am Brían Nguyen, your Miss Greater Derry 2023 .” Nguyen had previously announced on Instagram that he has intention
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